Yifan Men is a Software Engineer at Facebook, Inc. He obatined his bachelor's degree at the CUGB and master's degree at Duke University. He is actively seeking to find authentic self and explore various fields in life.
Facebook, Inc. is an American online social media and social networking service company.
ECE551 will bring students up to speed on programming, data structures, and algorithms. C++ is the language of choice in this class because C and C++ are very commonly used by Computer Engineers.
ECE751D is an upgraded version of ECE551, it focuses more on C++11 and other advanced topics.
Facebook, Inc. is an American online social media and social networking service company.
ECE551 will bring students up to speed on programming, data structures, and algorithms. C++ is the language of choice in this class because C and C++ are very commonly used by Computer Engineers.
The National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition (NLPR), affiliated with the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Automation (CASIA), Beijing, China, was founded in 1987 to become one of the first state key laboratories in
ECE Merit Scholarship
Focus area: Software Engineering
As a team leader, I managed the project by leading weekly meeting and discussion. We ported Bootstrap for front-end and developed back-end in multi-tier fashion. We also wrote professional software document to demonstrate the different aspects of the system with Use-Case Diagram, Class Diagram, Architecture Diagram and other diagrams in OO principle.
View Project
As a side project, I learned iOS development by follow the book Beginning iOS 11 Programming with Swift. This project is a Yelp-like app that enable users to find restaurant
they like, give feedback. It also includes a lot of animation and visual effect to improve user experience.
Upon request of Washington Duke Inn & Golf Club, I worked as the software architect for this project. According to existing system and requirement documents, I designed a
sub-system for membership management using Spring MVC and multi-tier architecture.
This is a fully functional shell project including executing commands searched from envrionment path. Added feature of escaping whitespace character to allow shell taking whitespace as input argument instead of ignoring
it. Implemneted pipe to redirect stream within the system.
I designed the simulator that follows Object-Oriented principle. Delegate task to teammates for implementation. The simulator could mimic the process of multi-level Cache with Least Recent Used Algorithm. We further conducted
statistical calculation for compulsory misses, capacity misses, conflict misses to validate the process.
The Global CodeCon Finals are happening on February 1st, 2019. 159 students from over 50 colleges and universities across the North America, Europe and the Middle East have traveled to Bloomberg's Global HQ in New York
City and European HQ in London to compete against each other in this coding competition.
The ACM-ICPC is a multi-tier, team-based, largest programming competition. The contest participants come from over 2,000 universities that are spread across 80 countries and six continents.